Friday, December 19, 2014

Reflection - Celebrations

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed “teachers” can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
-- original quote by Margaret Mead, Anthropologist, slight “variation” made by Linda Aguillón.

Well it’s difficult to believe 2014 has nearly come to an end.  It seems as though it was just yesterday when I wrote my first blog.  As we wrap up the year I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the past few months.  I would like to begin by celebrating the great things we’ve done in our district this school year. 

I will begin with a piece near and dear to my heart, Esperanza!  Esperanza is definitely off and running in a great direction.  Our dual language teachers and students have embraced the program.  I can honestly say I’m already seeing the results of all of their hard work and effort. It is my hope that we will continue to implement the program with fidelity and provide a solid Spanish foundation for our dual language students.        

Next celebration is the success (thus far) of our Instructional Rounds.  In the beginning, I could sense the tension when the conversations about rounds began to swirl around the district.  The first set of rounds definitely created great topics for conversation and a plethora of questions for teachers.  But our administrators and teachers embraced the data and faced the challenges presented to them with a positive attitude, determination, and great leadership.  I can honestly say I was amazed at the professionalism and eagerness of our teachers and administrators in the district to embrace change.  Each campus took the data and ran with it.  The results have been beyond expectations.  As a coach, I have seen an increase in the level of questions and the amount/level of student verbal discourse in elementary classrooms across the district.  I feel as though the Instructional rounds caused paradigm shifts in thinking and instruction in a very non-threatening manner.  I have been very proud and excited to be part of the rounds process.  The rounds have not only changed instruction and practices, but they have caused a change in thinking and have encouraged reflection amongst us all. 

As we wrap up the year, I feel privileged to part of the great things going on in our district.  I hope you will take a moment during your time off to reflect and celebrate YOU!  There are many great things going on in our district and you are part of that. 

I want to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
See you in 2015!

 Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.
-- William Butler Yeats

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